Where the licence of any person has lapsed for a period of three years or more, the Board may, before issuing to that person a licence or renewal, require that person to complete such training, examination or period of work service under the supervision of another cosmetologist as may be prescribed by the by-laws.

Please reference the Cosmetology Associations policy guide provided below, or click here for a PDF version.



Policy Guide for Licence / Permit Reinstatement 

Overdue for up to 3 years

(Licence has been expired for less than 3 years)

Subject to:

  • Licence Fee(s) as designated in Schedule B
  • A penalty/late fee for each year expired

Lapsed for over 3 years up to 10 years

(Licence has been expired for more than 3 years but less than 10 years)

  • Licence Fee for current year as designated in Schedule B
  • A penalty/late fee for each year expired
  • An Infection control and By-Law exam is required

Lapsed for more than 10 years

(Licence has been expired for more than 10 years)

  • Assessment, additional training, and/or exam will be required (decided on a case-by-case basis)
  • Training requirement may include 150 to 500 hours depending on individual circumstance

The above in no way infringes on the disciplinary action to be taken in accordance with the Cosmetology Act and By-Laws.

Reinstatement of Lapsed Licence Application & Process:

Individuals looking to reinstate their cosmetology licence are required to fill out a Reinstatement of Lapsed Licence application form (found here) and submit it to the Association for review, together with copies of any additional documentation required.

Please note: A lapsed licence due to health or medical-related reasons require proof from your Family Physician or Nurse Practitioner.

Application Fee(s):

Fees associated with reinstatement are noted above and in accordance with the Cosmetology Act, 2012, c. 39 at Schedule B
A non-refundable Administrative Fee plus applicable taxes is due at the time of submitting the application.

Applications can be submitted by fax (902) 468-7147, email info@nscosmetology.ca or walk-in.

Once the application and administrative fee are received, your application will be forwarded to the Association's Executive Director for review.  Once the review process has been completed, you will receive a letter of outcome from the Association (processing time can take from 6-8 weeks).  Should your application be denied, the letter of the outcome will include the reasons why.

Please note: Incomplete applications will expire 90 days post submission.

Cosmetology Association (NS)
128 Chain Lake Drive
Beechville, NS  B3S 1A2

Hours of Operation
Monday 8:30 - 4:30
Tuesday 8:30 - 4:30
Wednesday 8:30 - 4:30
Thursday 8:30 - 4:30
Friday 8:30 - 3:00

*Holiday or Weather closures/cancellations will be noted in the Calendar.
Office: (902) 468-6477
Fax: (902)-334-7108
Toll Free: (800) 765-8757

General Inquiries

Provincial Exam Information

Executive Director
Dana Sharkey, CAE


Academy of Cosmetology
Hair, Esthetics, Makeup Artistry
33 Thornhill Drive, Unit 201. Dartmouth

Cape Breton Business College
Hair, Esthetics
93 Johnston Street, Sydney

CBBC - Halifax
Hair, Esthetics
1046 Barrington Street, Halifax
Eastern Esthetics
Nail Technology, Hair Removal, Eyelash Enhancements.
19 Crane Lake Drive, Halifax

Hair Design Centre
Hair, Esthetics, Makeup Artistry
278 Lacewood Drive, Halifax
Hair Masters
Hair, Esthetics, Nail Technology
26 Archibald Ave., North Sydney

Elevate Beauty Institute of Cosmetology
Hair, Esthetics, Nail Technology, Lash Technician
77 Crescent Drive, New Minas

NSCC Annapolis Campus
50 Elliott Road, Middleton
NSCC Burridge Campus
Hair, Esthetics, Nail Technology
372 Pleasant Street, Yarmouth

NSCC Marconi Campus
1240 Grand Lake Road, Sydney

NSCC Pictou Campus
39 Acadia Avenue, Stellarton