On the Job Training (OJT)

Who qualifies for On the Job Training?
Students who have completed and successfully passed the CORE topics of their program are eligible to complete the required 100 hours of On the Job Training (OJT) in a registered Salon or Spa under a Licensed Master Cosmetologist.

When does OJT begin and end?
OJT begins when the school/instructor indicates it is time and will take place over a period of 4 weeks (OJT hours do not have to be consecutive).

*To be eligible for OJT, students must have completed WHMIS, First Aid and OHS training prior to participating in the program.

Where can I do my OJT?
Any salon/spa currently registered and in good standing with the Cosmetology Association of Nova Scotia ("CANS") may apply to accept a cosmetology program participant for OJT in their establishment provided they are willing to complete the training evaluation forms and have a master cosmetologist (or specific licence holder with a minimum 5 years experience in the industry) who is willing to supervise and positively encourage the skill and ability of the OJT participant during the program.

Who can I work with and what am I allowed to do?
OJT must take place under the direct supervision of a master cosmetologist (or specific licence holder with a minimum of 5 continuous years' experience in the industry) who is in good standing with CANS.  The supervising cosmetologist must hold a valid licence in the same area of practice in cosmetology as the OJT participant.  An OJT participant cannot work alone nor can they take on their own clients for "fee, gain or reward" as per the Cosmetology Act, 2012, c. 39, s. 3. However; salons that are hosting OJT participants may charge for participant services, at a discounted price, and must advise clients that the participant is a student in training and not yet fully licensed as OJT participants are students of cosmetology and do not hold a license to practice until the cosmetology exam has been successfully completed. 

OJT participants in a salon/spa environment may assist and practice their skills under the direct supervision of a licensed cosmetologist (as specified above).

What is the purpose of the OJT experience?
The purpose of the OJT experience is to expose the OJT participant to the "real world" working salon/spa environment.  The goal is for the participant to experience and practice first-hand the comprehensive skills required to become a successful cosmetologist in today's competitive workforce and to familiarize themselves with the expectations of a salon/spa owner/manager.

*Salons/spas who participate in the OJT experience will have the opportunity to provide unbiased feedback in relation to the OJT participant and in the experience as a whole, on the evaluation forms.  This feedback should be constructive in nature in order to better prepare the OJT participant for a successful career in cosmetology.

Instructors must confirm the following listed below with the Cosmetology Association's Provincial Exam Coordinator prior to the participant commencing the OJT program:  
  • Student is working under a Master in their scope of practice
  • Master Cosmetologist holds a current and valid licence
  • Cosmetology Establishment holds a current permit to operate
Salon/Spa Guide for OJT Student Program

Qualification requirements:
The salon/spa must:
  • be currently registered and in good standing with CANS
  • currently offer the same scope of practice in cosmetology as the OJT participant's course of study
  • currently employ a master cosmetologist or a specific licence holder with a minimum of 5 or more consecutive years' experience in the cosmetology industry
  • be willing to provide direct supervision to the OJT participant (OJT participants cannot work alone)
  • have a supervisor accurately and ethically fill out all required forms and paperwork 
  • be willing to have an OJT participant in the facility for a minimum 100 hours over a 4-week period (a work schedule may be created at the supervisor's discretion, subject to Nova Scotia labour laws)
Additional information:
OJT is mandatory.

Participating in the OJT program does not obligate the participant(s) to engage in an ongoing working relationship once OJT is complete.  There should be no expectation by either party to hire or be hired after the OJT has concluded.

Either party participating in the OJT program may terminate the offer to supervise at any time (in writing).  This termination must be returned to the participant's college instructor promptly and if no subsequent OJT placement is arranged, the student should return to the school of cosmetology in which they are enrolled to continue their course of study for the remaining hours required.

CANS reserves the right to 
  • refuse or revoke the application of the salon/spa who wishes to participate in the OJT program
  • refuse or revoke the "request to supervise" from the cosmetologist who wishes to supervise an OJT participant
A school of cosmetology and cosmetology instructors may choose to recommend or not recommend a student of cosmetology for participation in the OJT program.  OJT is a cosmetology program extension that may or may not be available to all students.  The decision to participate in the OJT program will be implemented only by a cosmetology instructor's recommendation and on a case by case basis, in accordance with student contract obligations, successful completion of course requirements to date, and in accordance with the 
  • Cosmetology Act, 2012, c. 39
  • Private Career Colleges Act, 1998, c. 23; 2015, c. 3
  • Community Colleges Act, 1995-96, c. 4; 2014, c. 3
  • Labour Standards Code, RS c. 246
and any other relevant contributing factors that may arise regarding a specific student and the OJT program.

IMPORTANT: Salon/Spa Owners must return the following pages to the appropriate school of cosmetology and cosmetology instructor(s) in a sealed envelope. OJT Form
Cosmetology Association (NS)
128 Chain Lake Drive
Beechville, NS  B3S 1A2

Hours of Operation
Monday 8:30 - 4:30
Tuesday 8:30 - 4:30
Wednesday 8:30 - 4:30
Thursday 8:30 - 4:30
Friday 8:30 - 3:00

*Holiday or Weather closures/cancellations will be noted in the Calendar.
Office: (902) 468-6477
Fax: (902)-334-7108
Toll Free: (800) 765-8757

General Inquiries

Provincial Exam Information

Executive Director
Dana Sharkey, CAE


Academy of Cosmetology
Hair, Esthetics, Makeup Artistry
33 Thornhill Drive, Unit 201. Dartmouth

Cape Breton Business College
Hair, Esthetics
93 Johnston Street, Sydney

CBBC - Halifax
Hair, Esthetics
1046 Barrington Street, Halifax
Eastern Esthetics
Nail Technology, Hair Removal, Eyelash Enhancements.
19 Crane Lake Drive, Halifax

Hair Design Centre
Hair, Esthetics, Makeup Artistry
278 Lacewood Drive, Halifax
Hair Masters
Hair, Esthetics, Nail Technology
26 Archibald Ave., North Sydney

Elevate Beauty Institute of Cosmetology
Hair, Esthetics, Nail Technology, Lash Technician
77 Crescent Drive, New Minas

NSCC Annapolis Campus
50 Elliott Road, Middleton
NSCC Burridge Campus
Hair, Esthetics, Nail Technology
372 Pleasant Street, Yarmouth

NSCC Marconi Campus
1240 Grand Lake Road, Sydney

NSCC Pictou Campus
39 Acadia Avenue, Stellarton